Monday, May 30, 2005

Let's Help Each Other Out

It's Citibank who is using the Spice Girls' song in a fairly entertaining commercial.
What is not entertaining? The various Citibank recruiters who think that just b/c I imagine myself in that scene from Half Baked, they think I should work for them.
Next time, I will use reverse tactics. Hey, I'm suppose to recruit too! We can each mark our encounter down on our little recruitment sheet and please our supervisors!

You KNOW you're sick when.....

.... you listen to the Spice Girls. It's that damn commercial, the bank or credit card one where the chick makes her husband drive the car, blasting music (Wannabe by the Spice Girls) as she jogs, b/c clearly they can't afford an iPod. (right, that's a pretty nice car, betcha can afford a shuffle, even I can) Wonder if the company whose commercial that is would be disappointed to learn that instead of signing up for whatever they are shilling out, I made iTunes .99 richer?

Well anyway, it's now gotten to the point where my head is staging battle with my throat which is asking for assistance from my ears, who is demanding backing from my nose, making the rest of my body say "you guys go right ahead, the arms can't even be bothered to pick up a glass of OJ, so we're just gonna sit tight".

In other words: Think I'll take some pills.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

At dusk, on a balcony, over-looking the ocean

Have you ever wanted a commercial moment?

The lighting just right, the wind blowing your hair just so, your expression a hundred pages of inner dialogue, conveyed with just one under-the-lashes glance.

Would anyone even notice if I did have just such a moment?

Nope, sorry, not tonight, and you can't make me

They always prompt you to type in a title first.
Nope. Not gonna do it.
Titles are hard, I'd rather ramble before committing like that.
Occasionally I have the title ahead of time, usually with a work of fiction. (Sure, this blog could be fiction, but I'll say it's not, b/c if it is, it is damn boring. Hopefully the characters I create are a little more interesting.)

Just finished watching Empire Falls: Part One on HBO
I know, I know, read the book first. I have the habit of not reading the "good" stuff, or the "smart" stuff. I enjoy a fun, silly story and there's nothing wrong with that. But sometimes I wish I'd mix it up a bit, throw in a Pulitzer Prize winner every now and then. It can't be all Stephanie Plum and Georgia Nicolson.

So, I enjoyed Empire Falls. Touching, funny, insightful, sad, sometimes all in the same scene. Like life I suppose. Unfortunately for me, I can't let go of a story once it's over, especially before bed. If it's scary or sad or thought-provoking, I need some buffer before trying to sleep. As it is, my mind races a mile a minute, completely ignoring the soft pillow and the hum of the fan signaling sleepy time. (gotta have a fan)

I'm sure we all feel like Miles Roby from time to time. I want to say that the characters experience extreme versions of reality; hyper-sensitive, over-exposures of life. Then I realized there are far too many instances of unfortunate extremes, too many "hasn't the character suffered enough" moments in the lives of those I know for that to be true. I wandered my apartment, inspecting marks on the door, indents in the carpet, and pictures on the wall. I contemplated choices in my life, moments where I'd been selfish, done what was best for me instead of someone else, wondered if perhaps I should have done that more, of if the times I did it were right.

Then I thought, I'll write a post, I'll put this on (virtual) paper and really express myself.
Well.... so much for THAT!

Oooh look.... Bruce Almighty is on now! And hey, are those Swedish Fish.....
(yes, I'm a simple creature)

Time for bed; I've got to pay some employees and do a month's worth of paperwork in the morning. Nothing like responsibility, huh Miles?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Hardness Factor

Ah.... I could go anywhere with that title. ANYWHERE!
Instead, I will go here:

Do they really expect people to come in and ask the chick behind the counter for The Hardness Factor: How to Achieve Your Best Health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age? Apparently they do. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for sexual fitness and hardness! However, I do not relish the thought of the 62 year old man looking for an alternative to Viagra, asking me for "that hard book, about sex" b/c you know that's going to happen.
Now the 28 year old hottie sporting the "I'm Rich and Have a Huge Penis" shirt today? Here's a title for you: Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

(btw - type in "lie" as the keyword search on your favorite book buying website, and 4 of the top 10 books listed will be romances.... this does amuse me)

There was a time when I had to promote a title when I answered the phone. That time ended when I had to suggest 101 Nights of Great Sex during February for Valentine's Day.
"Thank you for calling (bookstore) where 101 Nights of Great Sex is currently 20% off. This is Cindy speaking, how may I help you?"
No. Seriously.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Not Crazy, Not Crazy, Not Crazy

While I am pleased as punch to have found my missing cd, I am deeply disturbed at having found it in it's very own cd case. The cd case I've checked off and on for over 6 months. The cd case that has remained empty, empty I tell you, for over 6 months. But when I was finally ready to simply download the songs from iTunes I was so desperate to hear, it appeared, round, shiny white and prepaid. And since I know no one "my age" who enjoys the unnamed artist, I have to blame myself. Or maybe my landlord, "The Dude".

Being a fan of Laurie Notaro, I joined her yahoo group. One thread is currently about favorite songs to sing loudly and enthusiastically in the car, the kind of singing that invites fellow drivers to slow down and stare. Personally, it's "Blister in the Sun" and "Sugar High" for me. Both of which are in a clearly marked folder on my computer. Musical Hide and Seek is over.