Wednesday, September 06, 2006

You've Heard It All Before

start rant

I cannot take one more fucking thing being outsourced to India or another country where the primary language is not ENGLISH. If I cannot understand what the person handling my customer service question is telling me, then you are NOT meeting my needs, the needs of the customer. This ESPECIALLY applies to my banking, stocks, credit cards, or anything else of a financial manner.

end rant


At 9/07/2006 12:39 AM, Blogger Paulius said...

Worst thing is India is now struggling to keep up with the demand, and has started outsourcing, outsourced jobs...

That's right, you could lose your job, and end up getting it back working for the company it was outsourced to.

At 9/07/2006 5:46 AM, Blogger Sunny said...

Owwwwww, back with a BANG I see! Welcome back.....and I agree with you a thousand %!!!!

At 9/09/2006 1:53 PM, Blogger Frange said...

I recently watched the 30 days episode (the show by the Super Size Me guy, Morgan Spurlock) that addressed this phenomenon.

They took a guy who had had his job outsourced, and sent him to India to work in a job there for 30 days.

Very interesting stuff.

People there work full time jobs and still live in corrugated aluminum shacks. That place is growing too fast for it's own good, and the widening gap between the new middle class and the lower class is going to result in some serious issues soon.

There were riots and a lot of vandalism at one point during the filming of the show.

At 9/11/2006 11:27 AM, Blogger lolly said...

Check out

You just need to watch the Tech Support ones.....
Foamy the squirrel is freaking hilarious.


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