Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And If You Tell Anyone, I'll Deny It Completely

I miss California.
Dooce is blogging about LA, damn her, and with the heat, the humidity and all the other woe-is-me going on, it's enough to make me forget all the reasons we decided to move in the first place.

But it could just be the Sudafed PE talking - working with the public makes me sick.

We're planning a CA visit for April 2008, money permitting of course. Once I crunched the numbers, I briefly debated whether I'd enjoy a plasma tv more. Travel is not cheap. Then of course there's always Vegas instead. No ocean tho, but I've been told we have the ocean around Florida. Who knew? All I've seen are horses. But with Vegas there's the promise of sin, and who doesn't need more of that in their lives? If you're gonna throw away money, might as well enjoy it!

But it could just be the Travel Channel talking - someone got paid the big bucks for a full day of peddling the glamorous side of Sin City this past week.


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