Saturday, February 18, 2006

Clearing The Mental Post Its

To anyone who has emailed me in the past few weeks, my apologies. I love email, I'm just forgetful. Gmail should be my primary address.

The first round of spring reviews is coming to an end on Monday, and since I was proclaimed the Queen of Procrastination this year, I've got about 36 hours to get them done. Oh the pressure that comes with the crown.

By now you've probably heard the news. Hell has frozen over. It's my fault, and I should apologize. (Or not? Maybe I'm some kind of Goddess down there now.)

I joined a gym. No, really, I did. I swore I never would, so of course, I did. I should be proud, but all I can think is I don't have time for this right now, and the addition of yet another bill to the monthly list. (I'm cranky because my shoulders are sore. I like the chest press machine, but the shoulder press and the lateral raise machines are just cruel.)

Just throwing this out there:
Does anyone remember an 80's show called "Double Trouble"? Twin girls, 17 or 18 years old, live with their dad, have a guy friend who wears socks with sandals. (I remember this from an episode where one of the twins breaks into the science lab and the guy does some sort of headstand through the window and she talks about his socks and sandals.) I guess the real question is, why do I remember that much detail? There was also an episode where the two girls were competing for some dance thing, and the one twin stands on a bunch of chairs and phone books trying to peek in the window at her sisters routine and falls and sprains her ankle.

Maybe if I type all this out I can forget about it and make room for something more useful. I was about 5 at the time it aired, so I really hope I'm remembering episodes I saw in repeats a few years later. Aren't they related to Katey Sagal?

Yeah yeah, go do my paperwork. I'm going, geesh.


At 2/20/2006 2:57 PM, Blogger Sunny said...

I remember that show- but not who the girls were.

I'm one of those people who want to go ahead and get the unpleasantness over with as soon as possible instead of putting it off and having longer to dread doing it. If it was up to me I would work my entire 40 hours straight thru and have the rest of the week off.

Why can't anything ever be easy as my friend Lois always tells me.

What is WRONG with you?
Are you TRYING to make the rest of us look bad?


Get back to blogging- WE should be your first priority.


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