Sunday, October 23, 2005

A Conversation While Helping a Friend Get Ready for a Blind Date

"I really can't decide which shoes."

"Wear one of each and get his opinion. Tell him you have the match in the car."

"I don't think hopping around the parking lot trying to buckle the little sandal strap is a good first impression."

"Black sandals or black sandals, either way I don't think it's going to make that much difference."

"It really is all about the shoes tho. The shoes decide if this outfit is casual or sexy casual."

"With all this going on [gesturing to exposed cleavage] the shoes have no say. I don't care which pair as long as you keep them on."

(Huffy glare) "Of course." (pause) "Besides, some guys prefer you keep your shoes on all night."

"Maybe if I wore some open-toe strappy heels, I would be able to concur. I haven't noticed lace-up leather oxfords having that effect."

"Steel-toe would be worse. 'Yeah baby, wrap your legs around me. Wait! Oww, no, don't!' "

"I personally don't know any guys who want treadmarks on their ass or shoulders, no."


At 10/23/2005 10:25 PM, Blogger Frange said...

Okay, file this under "Why the sexes will never truly understand one another":

(Assuming your friend was female and the blind date was of the heterosexual variety...)

I know you had the right idea from step one (what with the gesture to the exposed cleavage) but did your friend really expect her blind date to notice her shoes? And if so, did she really think that the footwear choice would have a meaningful impact one way or another?

Personally, I don't think it's even possible for a guy to tell the difference in the subtleties of one shoe variety versus another when they're similar enough to be the contestants of a pre-date fashion face-off.

I mean, I've borne witness to countless ladies meeting their lady-friends, with the first full sentence of conversation (following the high-pitched screamy girl greeting that must be out of the male aural range, because I never understand it) being, "Wow, I love your shoes!"

But if there were a blind date exchange where the guy commented on his date's shoes AT ALL, let alone in the first couple of minutes, I think that there are only a couple of possibilities to explain why:

1) The guy is a modern-day cobbler of sorts, and makes, sells, or repairs shoes for a living.

2) The guy is REALLY into fashion. Women's fashion.

3) The guy either read something (or foolishly talked to his friends) and subsequently was instructed to compliment on something about his blind date's appearance.

#1 is pretty unlikely.

#2, well, I don't want to go there as far as the likely personality trappings of a guy who's so completely unashamed about his love for women's fashion that he'll happily pontificate on the subject to soemone he just met in a sensitive situation.

#3, while the most likely, and most normal, is also an early warning sign that this guy might just be trying to play his cards right to get maximum nookie out of the situation.

So, all this leads me to believe that your lady friend wasn't worrying so much about what the implications of her shoe choice would be vis a vis the blind date, but rather was trying to decide for herself which face she wanted to put on to this guy.

But then again, I'm a guy, and a guy who started this comment by saying that the sexes will never understand each other. What the hell do I know? :)

At 10/24/2005 2:59 AM, Blogger Paulius said...

Yep, hate to say it, but unless you turn up for a blind date in something so scruffy you look homeless...or so slutty we can't help but notice...your average guy won't care.

I heard a theory that women can learn all they need to know about a guy just from his shoes.

All I can learn from a girl's shoes is if she has feet or not.

At 10/24/2005 7:39 AM, Blogger Kato said...

Women have feet? I guess I stopped paying attention after the knee.

At 10/24/2005 10:08 AM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

I agree it's unlikely a man will notice shoes, unless a female friend has reminded him to compliment his date's footwear.

Kato - you're missing out on the tastyness of ankles and toes, M'friend!

At 10/24/2005 2:05 PM, Blogger Sunny said...

LMAO- Maybe not- but those steel-toed boots tone your legs fantasticly if you can keep the treadmarks off the sig-other.


At 10/24/2005 7:38 PM, Blogger SquirrleyMojo said...

Hitch knew shoes--right?

If a guy doesn't take the time to think/look at your shoes, will he take the time where it's, ehem, needed most?

At 10/24/2005 8:22 PM, Blogger Paulius said...

Here's the deal:

Women love shoes, therefore, they want men to notice that they have nice shoes.

Kinda like a woman walking into her new boyfriend's house for the first time, and not commenting on the 80 inch plasma TV, or the $100,000 stereo

At 2/13/2006 9:15 PM, Blogger Beth Driscoll said...

It wasn't really about the shoes... it was more of a tangent and a reason to lag on the date itself as I was quite nervous.

Needless to say, a funny conversation. :)


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