Saturday, June 11, 2005

Shh! Don't tell The Man

My 71 year old grandmother is getting married tomorrow, to a 62 year old man, ooh la la. Married in the eyes of the Lord, not in the eyes of Social Security. If they were invited, their wedding present would include the deduction of about $700 from her monthly income. Apparently, if you are old and collect social security, you need to be single in order to live comfortably. You know, with a roof over your head and maybe some running water.

No, it's not a legal marriage, but rather one of those new fangled commitment ceremonies. They feel guilty about shacking up and sleeping together. I had to laugh at that one; helped keep the mental images away.

I want to say "You Go Grandma!" and give her a high-five. Gotta give the lady credit for being able to snag a younger man. We'll see how I feel when I'm her age. I'd worry about him being a gold-digger if she had any. They are both aging, both have terminal illnesses and enjoy each other's company. More power to them.

As long as I don't have to call him Grandpa.


At 6/12/2005 6:16 AM, Blogger kthrne said...

Yeah! That's definitely worthy of a high-five.

At 6/12/2005 7:14 AM, Blogger Sunny said...

Isn't it a crying shame that our elderly are reduced to having "commitment" ceremonies just so they can live a decent life without having to be put on "welfare".

This world really bites sometimes...

but Congrats having a Gramma who is progressive enough to do what she is doing and not looking down her nose at ppl who are in....."alternate" situations.

Congrats, Cindy, be happy for her finding someone to make her last years happy ones.

And throw him a bone once in a him "Gramps" or "Pops" instead of Granpa...Even better- call him a very formal "Grandfather".
A bit of sarcasm on your part- and if your Gramma knows you she will smile.


At 6/12/2005 10:17 AM, Blogger Beth Driscoll said...

Pimpin' ain't easy... your family are all gold medalists at it.

At 6/12/2005 12:03 PM, Blogger Sunny said...


At 6/12/2005 7:20 PM, Blogger Vicarious Living said...

Hi kthrne!
I've gotta find a You Go Girl! congrats card for her.

Sunny - yep, my family is progressive. Especially when it suits them! :) They're good people tho!

As for key player's remarks, it's ok, she's actually a friend who has known my family for many many years. We've got quite a few stories to tell of soap opera proportions. This is actually pretty mild!
So she meant no harm in her remarks, just a little shout out to my family's shenanigans. My grandma has quite the past. So does most of my family. Except for me of course ;)

At 6/12/2005 11:01 PM, Blogger Paulius said...

Good for them!

I do, however, find it funny that governemtns the world over think that it's cheaper to feed two mouths rather than one

At 6/13/2005 5:50 PM, Blogger realJWade said...

Er, this reminds me of a very unpleasant instance involving my grandmother and her new man...

At 6/13/2005 10:26 PM, Blogger Vicarious Living said...

paulius - my sentiments exactly.

spotchlander - should we ask about this incident with your grandmother and her man?

At 6/14/2005 7:56 AM, Blogger realJWade said...

Suffice it to say that Grandma was staying over for a week while my parents were out of town when I was younger and I got to hear all kinds of strange and frightening noises from the bedroom....

At 6/14/2005 7:58 AM, Blogger realJWade said...

Actually it's more funny that disturbing now. Kind of like that "Better Sex" book on my parents dresser.

At 6/15/2005 12:21 PM, Blogger Vicarious Living said...

Frisky Grandmas and Better Sex Books... it could scar a young man.


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