Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Belittle It, Just a Little Bit

I'm trying to blog every day, get into the habit of writing regularly. I want to say "even if it is just on my blog" but that seems mean, and I don't want to belittle it. (even tho, let's face it, it is just my blog, not the next Pulitzer or Da Vinci Code)

Maybe there should be a Da Vinci Code Award for Excellence in the Area of In Your Face Publicity and Word of Mouth Sales.
(fit that onto a plaque)
It's not on Harry Potter's level, but still impressive in it's sheer will, clinging to the bestseller lists like (insert favorite plastic surgery victim name here) to her youth.

Did you like The Da Vinci Code? (did you read it?) At first I was all about it; I had an ARC a month before it came out, and devoured it in two days. Now I feel kind of over it, which is unfortunate, but that's what complete social saturation will do for you. It was a fun read, and no, I won't go into the religion stuff. As for the movie, every single actor/actress in there is excellent. Besides, who can resist a movie with Amelie in it? Audrey Tautou is just so darn cute.

Hmm.... I was going to fill up space talking about a new site I found, but I think this is good enough for tonight. I'll save the link for another day. I have to be at work in 8 hours. Who makes these schedules? Oh, yes, that would be me. I should really talk to myself about these hours I've been working. Clearly being overworked and overtired is what made me write that title up there. Yeah, that's it....


At 6/09/2005 9:16 AM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

I did read The Da Vinci Code - it is a fun read, a thought-provoking read, but it definitely smacks of fiction.

Not that I doubt there isn't a lot we don't know about biblical times and secret lineages, scions of Hey-soos and whatnot...

But who living in circa 30AD decides to move to Gaul, where the Romans can keep on harassing you, yea unto the tenth generation, yea verily?

Wouldn't it make more sense and convenience to head for China or Japan?

The Orient was pretty damned enlightened at that time, having invented nearly everything we use today (including iPods, which were made of beautiful white china and enameled with bamboo art).

Also, what's an ARC? Do you mean The Ark of the Covenant?

At 6/09/2005 10:02 AM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

Advance Reader's Copy

"Advance Editions," that is, complete books produced and distributed (before the trade or limited editions) by their publishers, usually to promote the sale of the trade editions either by sending them to bookstores, or by giving them away at conventions of the American Booksellers Association, or by putting them in the hands of reviewers (hoping to get the trade edition favorable publicity).


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