Sunday, June 19, 2005

5 Reasons Why My Dad Rocked

He was the greatest southern gentleman pimp daddy ever.
(Oh yes, quite the ladies man, practically oozed charm, and he drove the pimpmobile.)

He drove Elvis to buy a Cadillac.
(Straight from a concert to the dealership, 1956. It could be a tall tale, but I like to believe it.)

He knew George Jones.
(Although true, I wouldn't bet money on George remembering much these days, all things considered.)

He wrote songs, including this one.
(Now, one reason he didn't rock - he sold ALL the rights. Don't do that. Johnny Cash recorded, as did Emmylou Harris and others, but Dad gets no credit. Goober.)

He was wrapped around my little finger.
(But hey, it was mutual.)

This is the 5th Father's Day I didn't have to buy a shirt.
I really miss that.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.
Have you ever noticed Dads are sexy? Not your own per se, but like the guy at the grocery store making the shopping cart do wheelies to entertain his kids.
Maybe it's just a phase I'm going through....


At 6/20/2005 1:42 PM, Blogger MC Etcher said...

I never bought my Dad clothes for Father's Day. A tie seems traditional, but he never wore them.

For a good 25 years, I got him a card. If I remembered. I'm a bad son! I'll have to do better...

At 6/20/2005 3:01 PM, Blogger Sunny said...

Some dads DO rock- the ones who play with their kids and joke with them and TALK to them.

Unfortunately, there are the abusive ones out there- or the negligent ones or the ones who think a load of gifts make up for the time they don't spend with their kids.

At 6/21/2005 7:05 AM, Blogger Beth Driscoll said...

Awww, your dad DID rock. From the time we imagined him sliding in the room like a Temptation, to all the trips to Checkers for chile dogs and picking up packs of Kools on the way back, to our very top secret "Mike Meetings", all the way to he'd say 'Salute!' before bed.

Great man. Missed dearly.


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